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Online Store Migration

Online Store Migration

It involves moving your online store from a platform other than Shopify to Shopify. An online store will be set up on Shopify free themes, customized according to brand demands and prepared in 2 languages (Turkish & English). Product and customer information in your existing online store will be moved to Shopify.

In addition, intervention in case of technical problems that may occur while the site is open and minor changes and improvements that will not change the entire site for the first year are included in the installation price.

For a more detailed list of services, check the What's Included section below.

What's included?

  • Online store setup according to brand demands with Shopify free themes
  • Integration of Shopify free apps into the site as needed
  • Connecting the domain name to the site
  • Payment system integration
  • Creating brand-specific email templates (order status, shipping status, etc.) to be sent to site customers/members
  • Establishing marketing automations (cart abandonment, single payment, product display, etc.)
  • SEO
  • Integration of Google Analytics, existing Facebook and Instagram accounts
  • Upload 30 products
  • Shopify Markets installation and making the site ready for international sales
  • Site setup in 2 languages
  • Tests and Shopify interface training
  • Full support regarding interface usage and site management for 10 days after site delivery
  • Intervention and support for technical problems that may occur while the site is open.
  • Minor changes and improvements that do not change the entire site are free of charge for the first year.

What's not included?

  • Monthly commissions and fees charged by Shopify and its payment system
  • Fees to be paid for the domain name
  • Shopify paid themes to be used if preferred
  • Site images to be designed if requested
  • Fees for paid apps from the Shopify app store
  • Requests for major changes/updates that will occur after the site is delivered and goes live
  • Marketing email designs and campaign email sending
  • Developments to be made for features that are not available in the theme used.

How long does it take?

Minimum 3 weeks from the date of approval of the project.

The number of products in your current store directly affects the completion time of the project.

Regular price 104,500.00 TL
Regular price Sale price 104,500.00 TL
Sale Sold out
Shipping calculated at checkout.
This is the starting price excluding tax. In case of special requests, additional charges will occur.
Number of products available
Make your selection based on the number of products that need to be transferred from your current online store.

Contact us for a special offer tailored to your brand's needs.

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Opinions of our business partners who use this service

Digit&All referans - Mineralist Gümüş

" 1,5 yıl önce şirketimiz için attığımız en önemli adımlardan biri, Metin beyle tanışmamız ve web sitemizi baştan aşağı yenilemesi oldu.
Hala sabırla tüm isteklerimizi anında yerine getirmeye ve bize çok faydalı fikirler vermeye devam ediyor.

Sitemize sonradan kattığı puan sistemi de işlerimiz ve markamız için çok etkili oldu.

Yeniliklere açık ve kendini sürekli güncel tutan Digit&All ile çalışmaktan çok memnunuz. "

Kadir Menevşe

Digit&All referans - Miss Happiness

" Markamızı sürekli yenilememiz ve yeni müşteri davranışlarına adapte olmamız gerekiyor.

Digit&All'un ihtiyaçlarımıza hızlı, yenilikçi ve fonksiyonel çözümler üretmesini seviyorum. "

Hale Yavuzaslan

Digit&All referans - EP Designs

" Web sitemizin yenilenmesini çok istiyorduk ve 6 ay önce Metin bey ile çalışmaya başladık. Digit&All sayesinde tam da hayal ettiğimiz websitesine kavuştuk.

Bu süreçte deneyimi ve sabrı ile bize yenilik katan, tüm dünyaya satış yapmamızı sağlayan Digit&All'a çok teşekkür ederiz. Sizinle çalışmak çok keyifli. "

Ece Pirya Muyan

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